
Quick reference for 应急程序.

In case of emergency contact public safety at 856-374-5089


  • If possible, exit the building to a safe area
  • 拨打911呼叫公共安全

如果你 cannot exit the building:

  • 去最近的房间
  • Close door, lock the door if possible
  • 关灯
  • 找掩护,保持冷静,安静 & 看不见的
  • Dial 9-1-1 / Put cell phone on vibrate
  • Do not leave or unlock door until law enforcement assists you from the building
  • Do not confront the shooter, except as a last resort

More information about 主动射击程序


  • When you hear a fire Alarm you must leave the building
  • Take personal belongings with you
  • Evacuate by nearest unobstructed exit
  • 关上身后的门
  • 不要使用电梯
  • Move to a safe area 300 feet away from building
  • Do not re-enter building until authorized by emergency personnel

Persons with disabilities on upper floors:

  • 移动到楼梯塔. 拨打公共安全或911. 告诉他们你的位置.

  • Activate the nearest 火 Pull Station
  • 呼叫公共安全
  • Tell others as you leave by nearest exit
  • Follow building evacuation guidelines


  • Do not touch or disturb the object or pack年龄
  • Move to a safe distance, then call public safety
  • If possible, keep others away from object
  • 准备撤离

To Report a Crime/Suspicious Person

  • 呼叫公共安全 or use any emergency phone
  • Do not ignore the behavior or delay the call
  • 做个好证人. Tell Call Taker everything you know about the situation and persons
  • Do not hang up until told to by Call Taker
  • Take only actions necessary for self defense
  • If safe, stay where you are until help arrives


  • 呼叫公共安全
  • 保持冷静. 不要争论.
  • Do not physically confront the person
  • Do not block the person’s means of exit
  • If there is immediate danger, leave the area


  • If possible, move to lowest level hallways or take cover under desk
  • If safe to do so, secure vital equipment & 文件
  • 关闭电子设备
  • 远离窗户
  • 呼叫公共安全 to report injuries or dam年龄


  • 呼叫公共安全 – Tell Call Taker as much as you know about the situation and conditions
  • Render First 援助 if you are trained
  • Remain calm and assure the injured person help is on the way
  • Do not attempt to move an injured person unless necessary to prevent further injury


  • 呼叫公共安全
  • 帮助人们保持冷静
  • 不要把自己置于危险之中
  • Do not block the person’s exit route (For non-emergencies call the dean of students or 公共安全 for advice or direction)


  • 如果你’ve been 性ually assaulted or someone reports to you they were: Get to a safe place.
  • All 性ual assaults are crimes – you should call 公共安全 or police. Seek medical attention whether you make a report or not.
  • Before police arrive, do not shower, drink, eat, or change clothes. 如果你
  • 有帮助吗?, provide reassurance but refrain from touching the victim before emergency personnel arrive.


  • 呼叫公共安全
  • Turn off computers and other equipment
  • Move CAUTIOUSLY to lighted area

If people are trapped in elevator:

  • 打电话给公共安全部门/保持冷静
  • Do not attempt to exit elevator through hatches without assistance from emergency services


  • 呼叫公共安全
  • 不拉响火警警报器
  • Do not touch light switches or electrical equipment
  • Limit inhalation of fumes if possible
  • 不要碰洒出来的东西
  • Move to a clear area (uphill/upwind)
  • Keep others away Isolate contaminated persons.

如果你 or someone else contacts a suspicious chemical/substance:

  • Immediately flush affected area with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes
  • Wash with plenty of soap and water
  • 去除被污染的衣物
  • Seek medical attention immediately

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